Idiot Nation
Michael Moore
Michael Moore is a man who, to quote my cousin “ has some major balls.” In 2002 he proudly held up his Oscar for best documentary and shouted “ Shame on you Mr. Bush”, but this was expected of Michael Moore who is a very opinionated man. When I began reading this excerpt I was annoyed because Mr. Moore sounded like a judgmental man who thought his ideals and ideas were better than everyone else's to quote my mom he thought “ his sh*t don’t stink”, We get it Mr. Moore you think all Americans are idiots. Moore zooms into all the downfalls of American education while he himself is a college drop out.
Do you feel like you live in a nation of idiots? I never thought to ask myself this question. I mean sure I have had the occasional insipid conversation with someone but never did I think I was surrounded by idiots. Moor really got me thinking, do I know when world war two was? Am I aware of what is going on between America and foreign countries? Or am I one of the two million “stone cold” idiots he is referring to? It was not till I read further on that I realized Moore is not just a pretentious writer who believes that America is stupid. He believes in the capability of Americans to be smart, but what is idiotic is where we are focusing all of our capabilities. like memorizing obscene amounts of random sports facts or “all thirty obscure trivia questions in less than 120 seconds” It wasn't until I read this article that I realized how impressive it was that my brother and boyfriend could give you any sport stat on any team at the drop of a hat but my they probably haven’t a clue about the amount of money we owe China or our unemployment rate. They have the brain capacity and the capability but it is being aimed in the wrong direction. What Moore is saying is that our own decisions are what are making us Americans idiots, he is not questioning our capabilities. I assumed him to be a pretentious know it all but reading his work I have found that he just prides himself on the decisions he has made which has led him away from becoming an “American Idiot” that and the fact that he was a very driven boy winning school board president at the age of eighteen, trying to make a change in our idiotic public school system with its leaking ceilings, crowded hallways and unmotivated teachers. He jumped from a slave to the school system to the boss of his principle. That driven boy turned into a driven man winning an Oscar in 2002 for our cluelessness. Come on America! Get a Clue!
“I don’t want to be an American Idiot” anymore...
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