I’m Think Therefore I am (2001)
Nicci Gerrard
This was a very interesting article to read. It began talking about the joy of food and how it is so much more than just a means to survive. Food is connected to our emotions, imagination, and childhood. Like Nicci Gerrard I feel reassured by food. Some of the best memories I have with my best friend were made in the kitchen; creating the most outrageous yet delicious concoctions. The best one yet was the Boom Pow Pow Choco Choco shake which consisted of two cartons of Ben and Jerry's phish food ice cream, three swiss miss vanilla puddings, two cups of milk (2%), one chocolate protein bar, a chewy bar, four table spoons of peanut butter, eye ball the Hershey syrup, a jar of nutella (yes the whole jar) and just a pinch of cinnamon. This was by far the biggest party my mouth had ever experienced, my taste buds were so excited they didn’t know what to do with themselves. We had so much fun creating this recipe, and it definitely created a deeper bond in our friendship, all this because of the beauty of food. But the beautiful experience was tarnished once Bianca left and I realized where that delicious shake would end up... “a moment on the hips a lifetime on the hips.”
We are bombarded by images both on television and in magazines by these woman who look as if they eat an almond we would be able to see it travel down to their stomach before they regurgitated it. It is so sad how obsessed we have become with weight and how we have been trained to feel guilt about eating. Kate Moss recently said in an interview that “ Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels.” Why is it every girls goal is to look as if they just got out of the holocaust; every rib accounted for, and spine poking out through the skin. I am sometimes one of these girls. I would be lying if I said that I didn't have the sickness that has become an epidemic in this country, an obsession with weight. It would be wrong of me to sit here and say how pathetic this all is, and not admit that I too stand in the mirror every morning mid-change and critique my body, how my hips have grown, and my large butt. I enjoy eating so much, I love using my creativity to make something new in the kitchen, or use my artistic ability to decorate a cake. But if I regret it after wards is Kate Moss right? Does nothing taste as good as skinny feels?
i believe the shake was called the "BEAST!"